Mexican gay bar shooting

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murder victim Scott Johnson, hugs his wife Rosemarie as they arrive at the Supreme Court in Sydney, Monday, May 2, 2022, for a sentencing hearing in the murder of Scott. Rick Rycroft/AP Show More Show Less 2 of6 Steve Johnson, brother of U.S. Scott White appeared in the New South Wales state Supreme Court for a sentencing hearing after he pleaded guilty in January to the murder of the Los Angeles-born Canberra resident Scott Johnson, whose death at the base of a North Head cliff was initially dismissed by police as suicide.

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1 of6 Steve Johnson, right, with his sisters, Terry, left, and Rebecca and his wife Rosemarie, second right, arrive at the Supreme Court in Sydney, Monday, May 2, 2022, for a sentencing hearing in the murder of Scott Johnson, Steve, Terry and Rebecca's brother.

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